Compressed NFT Calculator
How many compressed NFTs do you want to store?
(or just type any number you want)
The closest tree depth of 20 can store up to 1,048,576 assets
--- SOL
maxDepth | 20 |
maxBufferSize | 64 |
canopyDepth | 0 |
proof size | 20 |
proof bytes | 640 |
Least composable, lowest cost
--- SOL
maxDepth | 20 |
maxBufferSize | 64 |
canopyDepth | 14 |
proof size | 6 |
proof bytes | 192 |
Highly composable, moderate cost
--- SOL
maxDepth | 20 |
maxBufferSize | 64 |
canopyDepth | 17 |
proof size | 3 |
proof bytes | 96 |
Uncompressed equivalent
~24,000 SOL
for the uncompressed equivalentEach uncompressed NFT costs approximately 0.024 SOL for on-chain storage and Metaplex protocol fees. And a tree with proof size of 3 has the same composability level as its uncompressed NFT counterpart.
*plus the transaction costs of ~5 SOL to mint all 1,000,000 NFTs.
The cost of creating Compressed NFTs can vary based on the tree size values set at creation. These values cannot be changed once the tree is created.